Do Donkeys Know Politics, Scaffold Series I
Do Donkeys Know Politics, Scaffold Series I

Multi-channel multi-media installation

SCH 40 steel, wheels, fabric, ink, soap wash stain, cheese borough, HD videos, continuous loop (color/sound)


Installation at USC Pacific Asia Museum, Los Angeles, CA

 In this installation, I want to emphasize the invisible labor behind each architecture or institution. By using hand made scaffolding structures with industrial building materials such as SCH 40 steel and cheese borough, I want to bring this perspec

In this installation, I want to emphasize the invisible labor behind each architecture or institution. By using hand made scaffolding structures with industrial building materials such as SCH 40 steel and cheese borough, I want to bring this perspective of my grandfather's background as an architect while he was punished for a donkey political cartoon in 1950s. The scaffold structure also conveys a metaphor for temporary "home" or "work in progress". There are five videos as five editions of my recreations of this donkey cartoon caused my grandfather in labor camp in 1950s. Each video shows one edition of my grandmother's memory of this destroyed cartoon. As her memory keeps changing and erasing, my hands follow her lead as a critique of my own version of this particular donkey cartoon.
